Infant Massage Class Series: Upcoming June 8th and 22nd, 1:00-2:30PM

Led By Sonia Waites, PT, DPT, CEIM, C/NDT

Held at Fusion Fitness 7715 HWY 70 , Memphis TN

$75 for series

Email to Register

Class Description:

Learn to massage your baby!  This class promotes bonding of infants with their caregivers as you learn massage strokes from a certified educator of infant massage.  Classes include learning massage techniques for the face, chest, stomach, back, arms, and legs as well as techniques to help relieve gas and colic. 

During the class the caregivers will sit on the floor with their blankets as the instructor guides the caregiver on the specific strokes with the baby. 

***Please bring a blanket and yoga mat for your comfort.  We will provide Boppy pillows for the babies to lie/sit in as well as massage oils. 

Benefits of infant massage include: 

Stimulating – all the systems of the body for healthy growth and development.

Relaxing – hormones released from touching help your baby relax and possibly sleep better.

Relief – touch can help reduce pain.  Tummy strokes can help relieve discomfort from gas, colic and constipation.

Bonding – the touch and loving interaction promotes bonding.  Your baby will grow to trust you and have a secure attachment.

Parents tell us!

They feel more comfortable and confident in their parenting skills.

They are more aware and responsive to their baby’s cues.

They feel closer to their baby and have a stronger bond.

Massaging their baby helps them relax and eases their stress.

Parents enjoy getting to know other new parents.